關於Quick Drop功能

Quick Drop功能是在LabVIEW 8.6以後才有,之前有大概試玩一下,後來寫程式還是很少用到,最近我又再試玩,提供一些經驗給大家參考一下

1.在VIEW>>Quick Drop預設的捷徑為Ctrl + Space,但是按了之後在中文OS通常是中文輸入法轉換,可以到Tools>>Options...設定為Ctrl + Shift + Space






於是我照著做,就可以將自己常用的程式碼變成是Quick Drop,一開始感覺都沒有成功,後來發現要關閉再開啟LabVIEW,以下是相關圖示




3.Quick Drop可以用在LabVIEW 8.5以下的方法如下




1.如果以上要手動刪除vi的話,在Tool>>Advanced>>Edit Palette Set...操作刪除該項目即可

2.在LabVIEW 2010有新增replace和insert的功能是根據LabVIEW Idea Exchange的意見做修改


Replace with Quick Drop

Select one or more diagram objects, press Ctrl-Space to bring up Quick Drop, type a palette object name (or a project item if you have one or more LabVIEW projects open), press Ctrl-P, and all the objects you had selected on the diagram will be replaced with the object name you specified in Quick Drop.  And yes, it does do the replace "correctly" with Compound Arithmetic...


Insert with Quick Drop

Select one or more diagram wires, press Ctrl-Space to bring up Quick Drop, type a palette object name (or a project item if you have one or more LabVIEW projects open), press Ctrl-I, and a separate instance of the object you specified in Quick Drop will be inserted on each wire.  I also included special functionality when Ctrl-Shift-I is pressed.  I call this "Smart Insert".  With Smart Insert, a *single instance* of the object name you specify will be inserted on multiple wires.  As an example, if you select a refnum wire and an error wire, press Ctrl-Space, type "Property Node", and press Ctrl-Shift-I, a *single* property node will be inserted on both the error wire and the refnum



  • Ctrl-[shift]-D - If you select some diagram objects, then press Ctrl-Space-Ctrl-D, controls and indicators will be automatically created and wired for all inputs and outputs of the selected objects. If you press Ctrl-Space-Ctrl-Shift-D, constants will be created and wired for all inputs.
  • Ctrl-R - If you select some diagram objects, then press Ctrl-Space-Ctrl-R, those objects will be removed from the diagram, but all wires that had pass-through inputs and outputs on those objects (like refnum or error wires) will be retained.
  • Ctrl-T - If you press Ctrl-Space-Ctrl-T while a diagram is open, the labels of all control/indicator terminals on the top-level diagram are moved the left/right of the terminal, respectively.
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