SCPI 儀器控制


小弟目前知道 各個牌子的儀器像Keysight, R&S…等等的儀器控制
可以透過SCPI 指令 對GPIB, VISA的方式進行控制。
但如果每個儀器都要透過programming guide去依依查詢command 似乎有點瑣碎
希望透過手動操作 來 讀出 log 的 command指令是什麼~~~~
google了一下   似乎 Keysight 有個叫 log viewer的軟體可以辦得到…請問有沒有方法可以做到

你所謂的 log viewer的軟體是指這個嗎? 

With each click of the Execute button in the test settings window, SCPI commands are added to the LogView dialog box. 
This means that the command list, if not cleared after each Execute, is cumulative. 
But the software does display a separation in the SCPI list to show each Execute action. 
The separation is the "Begin Execute" and "End Execute" lines shown in the above figure.

Execute   ![](upload://Abmtfzt8pjgxdfrUCfC52G8kUlx.png)

Button LocationTest Setting windows

Click this button to perform the following functions:

  • downloads all instrument settings and the waveform to the selected and supported instrument(s)
  • sets the instrument RF output state, and if a component of the signal, the AWGN state
  • places a copy of the waveform on the PC hard drive whether Offline Mode is enabled or not.
  • generates the SCPI list that is accessed through the Tools drop-down menu

This button performs the same function as the Execute selection in the Control (O) drop-down menu and it is visible while viewing a test settings window.

For some tests, the software may take a little time to generate all of the signals such as for the LTE Clause 8 test 8.2.3 using the FRC A3-1. This test can take up to a minute to download depending on items such as the CPU, connection, etc. The software displays a progress bar during the signal generation.
手動操作是 Local 狀態 應該是無法讀出 Log 的.
而這個 Using the SCPI Log Viewer  應該是廠商提供的應用程式介面(Application Programming Interface,簡稱:API
狀態是 Remote Control    
NI I/O Trace 具有相同的功能

我要如何在LabVIEW裡面控制NI I/O Trace?

Performing a Good NI I/O Trace Capture for Debugging/Troubleshooting

Find Example

我希望能夠藉由手動控制的方式 讀回相對應的command.....
這樣我的測試程序 就不需要一步一步透過文件去搜尋
你所謂的 log viewer的軟體是指這個嗎? 

With each click of the Execute button in the test settings window, SCPI commands are added to the LogView dialog box. 
This means that the command list, if not cleared after each Execute, is cumulative. 
But the software does display a separation in the SCPI list to show each Execute action. 
The separation is the "Begin Execute" and "End Execute" lines shown in the above figure.

Execute   ![](upload://Abmtfzt8pjgxdfrUCfC52G8kUlx.png)

Button LocationTest Setting windows

Click this button to perform the following functions:

  • downloads all instrument settings and the waveform to the selected and supported instrument(s)
  • sets the instrument RF output state, and if a component of the signal, the AWGN state
  • places a copy of the waveform on the PC hard drive whether Offline Mode is enabled or not.
  • generates the SCPI list that is accessed through the Tools drop-down menu

This button performs the same function as the Execute selection in the Control (O) drop-down menu and it is visible while viewing a test settings window.

For some tests, the software may take a little time to generate all of the signals such as for the LTE Clause 8 test 8.2.3 using the FRC A3-1. This test can take up to a minute to download depending on items such as the CPU, connection, etc. The software displays a progress bar during the signal generation.
手動操作是 Local 狀態 應該是無法讀出 Log 的.
而這個 Using the SCPI Log Viewer  應該是廠商提供的應用程式介面(Application Programming Interface,簡稱:API
狀態是 Remote Control    
NI I/O Trace 具有相同的功能

我要如何在LabVIEW裡面控制NI I/O Trace?

Performing a Good NI I/O Trace Capture for Debugging/Troubleshooting

Find Example