程式碼競賽 - 使用LabVIEW 3D模組來模擬太陽系

大意是說:請你使用LabVIEW 3D Picture Control試用版軟體,來模擬太陽系九大行星的運作。這個任務要考驗大家的美工能力,完成這項任務後,你相可以學習到如何使用LabVIEW 3D Picture Control模組。加油吧...

ps:完成後,請寄到[email protected],才能順利參賽。站長收到你的作品後,會回覆信件通知您我收到了。在2004/10/8前,站長只有周末假日才會回信唷。

ps2:比賽截止日期:2004/11/19 (星期五)


Challenge Description:

Model the Solar System

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to model our solar system, the Milky Way, using the new LabVIEW 3D Picture Control Evaluation Software, a set of tools for LabVIEW 7.1 or later that allow the modeling and rendering of basic 3D scenes for advanced visualization in LabVIEW. This will require you to learn about the toolkit, learn about our solar system, and apply your sharpest LabVIEW skills.

The minimum requirement is that your model simulates the sun and nine planets. The planets must revolve around the sun, though not in their actual orbit. NOTE: In order to create a more visually appealing model, the planets' sizes do not have to correspond to the size of the sun, unless you wish to model the true gravitational forces.

For bonus points (and to really show off your coding flare), you can implement the following features:

  1. Include all moons which orbit the appropriate planets.
  2. Model non-circular orbits of the planets around the sun.
  3. Include comets and asteroids which travel through our solar system.
  4. Apply actual physics to the objects, i.e. gravitational pull is stronger near larger celestial bodies.

The VI submit must be named Solar System.vi and can be stored in an llb file if desired. Scores for this competition will be based first and foremost on the functionality of your model. They will also be based upon coding style. For help with coding style, see Chapter 6 of the LabVIEW Development Guidelines.

Hint: The LabVIEW 3D Picture Control Evaluation Software includes example programs which can help you get started with your application.

Rules Specific to this Challenge

  1. All coding must be done in LabVIEW.
  2. No external code, DLLs, CINs, exes, etc
  3. Have fun!

Good luck, wireworkers!

Discuss this challenge on Developer Exchange

ps:完成後,請寄到[email protected],才能順利參賽。站長收到你的作品後,會回覆信件通知您我收到了。
Submission Deadline: Friday, November 19, 2004



依題意來看,LabVIEW 3D Picture 程式只能用在7.1版以後的版本(我有試裝過因是7.0版不能安裝),這樣7.0版以下的使用者就無法使用了, 所以請問7.0版以下的使用者是否有何替代的方式可以撰寫此程式



依題意來看,LabVIEW 3D Picture 程式只能用在7.1版以後的版本(我有試裝過因是7.0版不能安裝),這樣7.0版以下的使用者就無法使用了, 所以請問7.0版以下的使用者是否有何替代的方式可以撰寫此程式






請問各位先進, 是否有用過 LabVIEW 3D Picture Control Evaluation software, 雖然說安裝後有範例程式可以參考, 但我找不到相關的範例, 請問有使用過的先進說明一下, 謝謝


搜尋關鍵字"3D" , 可以找到10幾個example
其中"Simple 3D Object.vi"及"Animate Object.vi"是用這個套件做的


搜尋關鍵字"3D" , 可以找到10幾個example
其中"Simple 3D Object.vi"及"Animate Object.vi"是用這個套件做的




不知道有沒有人有LabVIEW 3D Picture Control的說明文件,如果有人有PDF檔的話,可以傳上來讓我們學一下嗎…謝謝嚕。

不知是不是安裝路徑的問題, 我之前已有用yao 的方式搜尋但是找不到這三個範例, 請問各位是否是把LabVIEW 3D Picture Control Evaluation software的程式直接安裝後就看的到範例?


我是還有安裝OpenG Package,以下是它的說明:

OpenG Package

This package will install on all platforms LabVIEW supports. This package has been provided to National Instruments by a 3rd-party, and is the recommended download for non-Windows users. You must first install the OpenG Package Installer, available via the link below. Refer to the links on the OpenG Package Installer page for information on how to configure the OpenG Package Installer and use it to install package files such as this one.

Related Links:
Discuss the Software Here in the Discussion Forums
OpenG Package Installer


我不清楚是不是因為我有安裝OpenG Package,所以才看的到那些範例。不過也請你安裝一下吧。

要安裝OpenG Package之前,必須先安裝OpenG Package Installer,請先連到這裡,按照網頁的說明,就可以安裝了。為了怕大家不了解,我將分解步驟說明如下:

  1. Download the OpenG Package Installer: OGPI download page
  2. 下載ogpi-1.0-all.zip

  3. 安裝OpenG Package Installer

  4. 安裝好了以後,重新啟動LabVIEW,就會看到下圖的功能選單。如果你可以順利看到下面的功能選單,就表示您已經安裝好OpenG Package Installer了。


  5. 使用OpenG Package Installer來將picture3d-1.0-2.ogp載入。
  6. 這樣應該就可以看到那些範例了。
  7. Enjoy!

Dear Benjamin

試了安裝OpenG Package,並把Picture3D-1.0套入, 我依舊無法在NI Example Finder找到那三個程式

所以我後來再以下路徑找到了那三個程式, 不知各位程式開啟的使用路徑是否與我相同?

C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\examples\picture3d